We've had a wedding, a retirement, and a promotion to full professor in the family this week. I guess that makes it a week of milestones indeed. I think I'm hoping there's not a fourth shoe to drop!
Some not-very-good photos again: The bride and groom, the groom and parents, and my older son, the full professor, and his wife. Personally, I think a City Hall wedding is the way to do it. Everyone had a wonderful time! It's fun to see the cross section of people and situations represented by the couples waiting their turn. A novelist could imagine many plot lines. Afterwards we all went to the chilly and windy 16th floor terrace of the Trump Tower for overpriced drinks and then out to dinner.

Meanwhile, in the basement, I have finished the pieced borders and the inner border, and have started sewing them on. Someone please kick me the next time I think I want to make a king size quilt. I hate wrestling with the sheer size of the thing at these last stages, and I'm totally defeated by the pressing. It was pressed, but by the time the borders are on it will be messed up again. And then there's the backing to put together. I have to piece that, because the fabric I wanted didn't come in 118" width.
Meanwhile, I've gotten back to reading blogs a bit, and came across one of those blogosphere controversies, this time about poor quality work. In case you're interested, here's the
link. Found this via Nellie Durand on Facebook.