Thursday, January 04, 2007

How Old Are You Really?

Our local paper yesterday had an article about this website and its creator:RealAge. I would advise a visit. It's a questionnaire about nutrition, life style, medical history, etc. that averages all the data and calculates your body's actual age. I came out very well, but need to eat more vegetables, less meat, and more fish. Alas, I already knew that! But I did find out I have an ideal body mass index, and that was a VERY pleasant and very LARGE surprise. I thought this idea fits well with the emphasis on a healthier new year.

Debra, if you see this and can move it to the Lounge blog, go ahead. I don't know how to post there.


  1. Thanks, before I got to that paragraph I was wondering if I could use it.

  2. Anonymous8:44 AM

    This was really informative. I'm about 5 years younger than my "real" age. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Interesting link Kay. I always thought I felt older than I was, & apparently thanks to poor exercise habits & yo-yo weight, I am a little older than my age!

  4. What a wonderful project. If you don't end up overdying the quilt top to get rid of the white, I suggest an insertion of 1/2" to 1" of white between the blocks and border. The repeat of white out there may please you. Maybe even a narrow (1/4") insertion of red between the white and the blocks as well.

  5. Good link..I like that Im younger than I thought I was.. Funny, Im not sure I feel it though. lol
