Monday, January 22, 2007

I'm so happy to be home after being away for a week! I've been catching up on blog reading, and particularly the wonderful 12 x 12 x 12 Challenges on the Quilt Studio blog. Beautiful work, everybody, and what a range of techniques. This makes viewing them a learning experience as well as just eye-candy. I've been having trouble commenting as much as I would like, and have a question of those more Blogger-savvy than I am. Why do some people's comments open a new window, when some people's do not? I assume this is a setting, right? I have particular trouble with the comments that open in a new window. The response is very slow, and there is no sign that the comment has registered until it does, so I sometimes end up commenting twice. Is this just something about my internet connection, or is it more general? Can anything be done? I'd appreciate any hints, and meanwhile, I would love to comment on everyone's challenge work, but sometimes I can't. So if I haven't commented, blame it on technical difficulties!


Patti said...

It's a setting on each blog. But the fact that the window opens slowly is something else. I think maybe it has to do with blog traffic, because sometimes it's much worse than others. But I'm just guessing about that.

His Office, My Studio said...

Hi, welcome back. Yes it is a setting on the comment page
to get there login in new blogger
comment tab
show comments in a popup window?

Did you run a popup blocker? If so hold the CTRL key on your keyboard then click on comment. The comment window will display on your screen. If you have updated to Internet Explorer 7 a new tab will open with the comment window.

I alos agree with Patti the blogger traffic does slow things down.

Hope this helps.

Kay said...

Thanks, Debbi and Patti. I think I have stumbled across the solution myself. Sometimes I use Safari and sometimes Firefox as a browser. Blogger doesn't work as well with Safari, and that was apparently the problem.

The Calico Cat said...

I have no idea, but it happens to me too..