Indiana Roadside
48 x 48
Amy is having the Spring Quilt Festival, which I almost missed. Here's my entry, made about five years ago. I love Queen Anne's Lace and the way it looks blooming wild along the roadside. (I'm not a groomed-and-manicured-lawn kind of girl.) For a long time I wanted to put it into a quilt, but it's a very hard flower to reproduce effectively. Finally I decided to just use blocks of greens, tans, and white, arranged to imitate the color placement in a photograph I'd taken, and using a block that would give an effect of light and shadow filtering through the foliage. Here's the result. I still like this quilt after all this time, which is a rare thing for me. It's the North Wind block, set so that there are alternating squares of light and dark. I love that block too.
Take some time to look at all the other wonderful quilts on display.