Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Happy Spring

Daffodils are my favorite flower--until the tulips bloom, and then the peonies, and the iris... But daffodils have the advantage of being totally low maintenance, which is why I have lots of them. The double ones came from bulbs I dug out of my grandmother's abandoned garden. They must have been there 75 years. It took several years for them to grow enough to make many blooms, but now they will probably be good for another 75, if the developers' bulldozers or global warming don't get them. You have to love something so tough.


Granny Fran said...

Those old heirloom flowers from our grandmothers' gardens are the best! Thanks for sharing these lovely flowers.

allie aller said...

Nice display!
I love daffies also because neither the moles nor the deer will eat them. That's a big plus in my world.

Deb Geyer said...

The flowers are beautiful!! Thanks for sharing.

And I like your new banner-