Thursday, March 11, 2010

Signs of Spring

The colors don't look spring-like, but nevertheless blooming branches picked from my yard do mean spring.  This witch hazel bush actually blooms in February when the snow is still on the ground.  Unfortunately I planted it away from the house at the edge of the woods, so the blooms aren't very visible, and I didn't wade through the snow to cut some branches until yesterday. when 50 degree temperatures had cleared that area.  The snow is finally gone along the streets and roads too, so I can walk outside instead of on the treadmill at the gym.  That's a good thing.

Another good thing is that lightening struck on my Interpret This piece.  I have a concept, a rough composition plan, and materials ready to go.  Later today I hope to be brave enough to start cutting and sewing.  It's odd,  but according to my notes, I finally got a real idea on exactly the same day last month.  I'm obviously a slow starter.


Libby Fife said...

Welcome to my world! This month I am letting things just "fall into place" as they will.

Love the blooms too. I am looking forward to some warmer weather:)

Debra Dixon said...

I need to get back to my piece and probably shore up my concept while I am at it.

Rian said...

That is a very pretty "bouquet." I have never seen witch hazel before. Intriguing. I can remember what it smells like though, because my mother used it for various things which I cannot remember.

*karendianne. said...

Very neat blooms. I luv them. Gosh, yes. Very neat!!! I've never seen a witch hazel bush before. ...a slow starter or a cosmic vibe! I say a cosmic vibe. You know, as in coincidental and cosmic. Those night ideas and thoughts that wake you in the wee hours of darkest morning. See if those don't come around a general time as well. Just a little cosmic trippy thing to see. The Gods, they are hiding but play funny ha ha... Of course, one would have to believe in the energetic cosmic universe plus some form of god and source energy to buy my whole concept. (I just re-read this and thought a better comment was in order but then decided... nah, torture Kay!) *karendianne. sometimes an embarrassment to the family.

Barbara C said...

It's nice to see signs of Spring. I noticed today my Japanese maple tree is starting to leaf out, and it was almost warm this afternoon.

Vivian said...

Spring canNOT come soon enough this year. I'm ready for some cleansing, cleaning spring rains, but the ground is too saturated from all the melting snow. Maybe in another week or so.
It's been nice to see what 50-degree weather does to the dirty snow piles.