Friday, February 09, 2007

Friday Collage

Here's another snow scene. I tried to capture the look of the countryside north of my house last week during a near whiteout. I used a piece of yellow net over the sky to reproduce the eerie glow you get when the sun is actually shining through the snowstorm. I put Angelina fiber over the whole piece to represent the snow, and that makes it very hard to photograph. This week's lesson: think about the finishing. I used the pillowcase method for this because I was hurrying, and forgot that you can't press after you put on the Angelina. Hence the very wonky edges.

And here's the aftermath--ugh.


Kim said...

The Angelina is effective for capturing the whiteout. The "aftermath" is a very familiar scene !!!

jenclair said...

Love the sparkle the angelina provides; perfect whiteout conditions!

allie aller said...

Never mind the edges...this is a great concept here and you should do another take on it.
Like Kim, I loved the aftermath scene. Indeed, we all share it!

Granny Fran said...

The effect of the net and the angelina fiber is perfect.

I just got my sewing/cutting area all cleaned and straightened out a couple of weeks ago and it is already such a shambles.

"A creative mess is better than tidy idleness." A pin given to me by the SIL several years ago when she had her crafts store.

ACey said...

The inclusion of net seems especially inspired. Do you ever wonder why small pieces of art make such a BIG mess???

Rian said...

Oh, that looks like the mountain in Close Encounters of the Third Kind!

All joshin' aside, the Angelina fibers ROCK! Nicely done!

Rian said...

Forgot to mention~~ love the picture of the "aftermath." We should all share more photo like these!

dee said...

You call that a mess? I like what you've done with the sky. I always think it looks very spooky when a big snow is coming-sort of other-worldly. Very nice