For the theme, "What Can You Remember?", I focused on myself as a college student. I loved college, everything about it. And although I was always waiting till the last minute to study because I enjoyed my social life, I was serious, even excited, about all the new worlds and ideas out there to learn about. It was important to me to understand, to think, to read as much as I could. I definitely needed to lighten up (still do). The photos were mostly taken from a picture in the yearbook of me student teaching, an awful picture actually. Why the editors ran it, I can't imagine. But there I am, intense, naive, and boring those kids to death! It was so important then, and isn't now--and so the Bob Dylan line. There's not much to say about the construction of the piece. I scanned the photos, colored them on Photo Shop, and made this very amateurish collage. There's little stitching because I've packed up my machine, and the heavy weight of the fabric doesn't allow for hand work.
Thinking about this period was fun. By coincidence I just read a piece in my alumni magazine by a classmate and well known journalist, who described this era as the last time when college girls posed for photos in sweater sets and pearls, with their hands folded and their legs crossed. I'm not wearing pearls in the picture, but I could have been!