Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Little Pity Party

We're having record temperatures, 70 degrees and sunny, the first nice weather of the year. I have a record cold; spent yesterday lying on the sofa under a quilt, and have only a little more energy today. Thank you, bloggers, for something to occupy my dead brain. I know I could find a book, but that takes energy, and the laptop is handy. I hope to be back in gear tomorrow. I know on a global, or even local, scale a cold is trivial. But complaining can be fun, can't it?


allie aller said...

I'm making chicken soup today, and wish I could bring you some! Now's a good time for a sappy romantic movie on TV...feel better soon!

Paula Hewitt said...

I hope you are feeling better soon.

*karendianne. said...

Oh no ~ bummer sick. I hope there's some good stuff to zone out on TV with or find on the laptop. Although I wonder, how long do you think you could get lost on the Web? I think 2 hours tops. Then, I'd be dead tired. You, being sick and all, I don't give you but 15 minutes. I mean, I'm not trying to make you look bad at your own PARTY but I'm just sayin'...

Kim said...

Hope you feel better soon! Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Libby Fife said...

Stink-a-roo, my friend. Try and feel better-just relax and drink lots of hot liquids. Hard when the weather is so nice too.

Gari in AL said...

I've always said that nobody can feel sorrier for me than me so sometimes I just need to take time to do it. Get well soon.

floribunda said...

you're doing today what I did yesterday -- hope you get over it quickly so you can enjoy the weather!

The Calico Cat said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling droopy - have some chicken soupy.

Better yet, I could come over with Jacob's "clean-noz" & give your nostrils a good vacuuming...

I can't find clean noz through google, but it is a bettery operated nasal aspirator...

dee said...

feel better soon Kay. Sometimes you just have to wallow a little. Be good to yourself.

Debra Dixon said...

It seems this cold has passed around the country pretty well this season-sorry to hear it landed at your house too. You'll be back to yourself soon!

jenclair said...

Are we tired of this yet? Cold and colds and flu? Terrible winter for sickness. Get well soon!

McIrish Annie said...

I always like to stop by Vicki Welch's blog "field trips in fiber" if i have a lot of time, she has so much going on and lots of links to other fun blogs.

or a movie that I know my DH won't like.

hope you feel better soon!

Barbara C said...

I hope you're on the mend. I was better this morning than I am this evening. I think you've got to take the recovery from this bug pretty slow and not do too much too soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better by now. Being sick sucks, no matter what the outside temperature is.