Saturday, March 16, 2013

Made to Order

I had to find a use for those black and white triangle squares, so I'm putting together this quickie quilt.  I guess maybe I made it for Larry.  It suits him, anyway.


Libby Fife said...

Have I said before that I like that the cat is named Larry? And why shouldn't he have his own quilt? Hannah had about 5 of them!

*kd. said...

Oh love them. Fun. I think this is the first time I've seen Larry. Handsome. Love those LBK's (little black kitty's)

Barbara Strobel Lardon said...

Larry looks wonderful on that quilt. Love black white and red together.

McIrish Annie said...

I can never get my cats to pose for me like that. this is a cute little quilt.