Monday, March 05, 2007

IHQS and J. Sassaman class

I had the greatest time in Jane's class at the IHQS! A wonderful teacher, delightful person, and interesting classmates, all of whom were way above my head in terms of artistic ability. But as I told Jane, one advantage of being old is that you don't really embarrass easily any more, and I just enjoyed myself tremendously. The quilts at the show were less interesting this year. Many of them I had seen before, either in reality or in pictures, and many more looked like something I had seen before.

Here's the Best of Show, made by Linda McCuen, who apparently also won the $100,000 quilting challenge for another quilt. This piece is lovely, amazing machine quilting. It's a traditional applique pattern with original quilting and trapunto designs. She used a ecru innerlining to make the trapunto darker so that it stands out. Linda was in my class; see, I said these were talented people.

The winners are on the IHQS web site, so these other quilts are just ones I liked. This is a striking portrait quilt; although it's not as intricate as many are, I thought the features and expression come through well. N

I have always loved the Carolina Lily pattern, but it's often very stiff. This setting is much more contemporary than usual, and I think gives it new life. Too bad about the blurry picture.

I did this part of the post yesterday and had to stop. Now pictures of the class and of any other quilts will have to wait until Blogger recovers from its current problem. Also, Firefox won't show me the letters in the visual verification thing, but won't let me post a comment without entering them. What's with that?


Deb Geyer said...

The best of show is lovely! It is hard to tell in the photo- is it applique with whole cloth quilting? maybe some trapunto? Boy it sets the bar pretty high for us, doesn't it?

Lori (A.K.A. Elkhoundmom) said...

That looks like it was a wonderful show. The BIS quilt is stunning.

Deb Geyer said...

Wow! Can you imagine cutting all of that innerlining for the trapunto. It is amazing. I can't even fathom it. I have3 a lot to learn...

Rian said...

Sounds like a great trip. I like that rainbow-y quilt behind the portrait one. Yes, a lot of talent, but you are talented too.

jenclair said...

Love your attitude, Kay! As much as I'd love to, I would be afraid to take a class with some of the tremendously talented people around. It is true that the older I get, however, the less easily I embarrass.

Best of Show is gorgeous!