Saturday, May 02, 2009

Tantalizing Glimpses?

I'm working on the Hoffman Challenge. It's past the point of being fun, and has become a list of steps to finish, including a few questions about exactly the best way to do some of them. I feel like I did in grad school when I could see the answer of the essay exam before me, but was totally bored with writing it. There's something wrong with that.

Fortunately, it's a beautiful day here, so I think I'll go for a walk or plant something. Everyone have a good weekend!


*karendianne. said...

What a great name for this post! Tantalizing indeed. No telling what magic you're whipping up.

Libby Fife said...

Have a good walk. Getting away from the problem usually always helps.

PS-I know that no matter what you do to the piece, it is going to look good.

Debra Dixon said...

I understand completely.

Anonymous said...

tantalising indeed! i love the colours.

Deb Geyer said...

I think every project has a little bit of that frustration in it! Good luck with it. I'm sure you will come up with something fantastic!!

Candace said...

Gracious, my curiosity is certainly stirred with this glimpse!

Barbara C said...

Boy, you've really nailed your description of that point when a project becomes an obligation. But once it's one's done, there'll be the chance to start something new and exciting again.