Monday, May 13, 2013


The border piecing is moving along, going smoothly, Y-seams and all.   Interesting that these units have a right and a left to them, and two borders are the opposite.  At least, I think that's right, otherwise I'm in for a shock and some wasted cutting.

I hoped to do more yesterday, but I spent several hours doing alterations on a dress I bought at Macy's for a wedding this weekend.  I took in the gaping armholes.  That's simple, but the dress was lined, with the lining beautifully top stitched around the curve of the armhole and tacked to the dress in several places, so undoing all that careful work and putting it back made a tedious job. All I can say is I have lots of respect for Calvin Klein's Vietnamese garment workers, and hope they're well paid, with a safe building to work in!

Ironic that I did this, since it's unlikely I'll wear the dress without a jacket.  Even though lots of workout time has given me muscles in my arms, there's still that old looking skin.  I guess I'm expecting either a miracle in the look of my arms or such a hot day that I will have to go sleeveless!  Or maybe I could try the increasingly popular upper arm surgery...


Debra Dixon said...

I totally get it. Long sleeves & I are comfortable friends. And besides, the air conditioning is so cold here during the summer that I never go out without a jacket.

*kd. said...

First with the Vietnamese workers, then the sagging skin. You're on a roll tonight!

Really pleased with the border. Exciting to contemplate the whole quilt.

Libby Fife said...

Gads! Arm surgery? Wear the dress without the jacket. Flaunt it, baby!

Glad the piecing is coming along also. Slow and steady wins the race. (Aren't I full of wittiness today???LOL!)

Rian said...

Yeah, that skin. Wish someone would invent a cream that tightened it up. Love the colors in your border! We saw the garment factories (from afar) in Viet Nam. Huge.

McIrish Annie said...

Can totally relate to the bat wing. though mine has gotten significantly smaller, still always bring a jacket. the arm surgery, no way, I have better ways of spending $4k and it leaves a not so insignificant scar so what's the point?

sleeveless is the fashion industry's way of saving money!!!