Monday, May 27, 2013

Well, It's Done

As you can see, it's a monster.  This is good; I will actually use this quilt, since I don't think I'll ever love it enough to cherish.  I do like the way the bright colors play against the fairly drab blue and green framing pieces.

I'm less happy with the yellow accent fabric--it seems too light and lemony to pick up the yellow pieces in the applique as I hoped it would.  Nothing else seemed available during my search though.

Now to wrestle with the huge backing piece--washing it, splitting it, and adding the strip to piece out the width.  Then off to the long arm quilter.

It's a wet, cold Memorial Day here.  I hope everyone else has a better one.


Libby Fife said...

In for a penny, in for a pound. I bet this one will grow on you after awhile. I remember the larger pieces of fabric so well and how I never liked to deal with them. The results though are always worth it. I hope the long arm quilter does justice to this one:)

Debra Dixon said...

You rescued those blocks and gave them a wonderful new home. I bet this turns into a favorite in the long run.

Rian said...

You hung in there and breathed new life into those old blocks. Good ON YA!! You done good.

McIrish Annie said...

It is great! If you don't love it when it's done, send it to me cause I love it! LOL! You should be proud that you rescued those homeless blocks.

*kd. said...

Gosh, it's great and from the technical perspective, I enjoyed the creation of this. I look at it and I'm in awe. You are really talented and I just dig the way you create. Very cool, Kay. Very.

Barbara C said...

I agree, your quilt is lovely. Those pops of red really liven it up.

Elaine Adair said...

It's a bright beauty, and the quilting will help to meld the colors together. This was an amazing, large project - you did good to get it all together!

Elaine Adair said...

It's a bright beauty, and the quilting will help to meld the colors together. This was an amazing, large project - you did good to get it all together!

laura west kong said...

I love it, especially the red.

Unknown said...

great work on it...!!

I loved it and if you want to sell; Contact me please...!!!
Nice work especially for the basement bedroom....!!!