First, I was printing out some photos on fabric treated with Bubble Jet Set the way I always do. They looked perfect, but when I washed them according to instructions, they faded so much that one was unusable. I don't know if I mixed up treated with untreated fabric, my detergent wasn't "mild" enough, or what. So I made some more, which required treating fabric and waiting for it to dry. These I didn't wash. As long as I don't touch the project with water during construction, it should be ok since it won't be washed.
Then while I waited for the fabric to dry, I worked on the pieced setting triangles. First there was the math error. Recut. Then there was the positioning error. Rip and re-sew. Then there was pressing direction error. I pressed again, went back to sew, and discovered that the first direction was right after all! How did that happen?!
In the middle of this, the painter who told us he'd "get to us sometime after Christmas" called. He may get to us next week. I'm not ready for moving furniture, thinking about paint colors, etc. We have an open plan house, so he would be painting living room, family room, dining room, and part of the kitchen. What a mess. But I guess I can cope. It had to happen sometime.
The good news is that I did finish the setting triangles and can see what this quilt looks like. I'll sew it together eventually, but there are other projects to do, and paint chips to look at.
More good news--no snow today.
I love your setting blocks. Very nice.
Oh Kay! This is going to be such a wonderful quilt!! I dont envy you the painters mess etc. but once it is all done how great will you be feeling!!:}
Sounds like you should have gone back to bed!
I have days like that all the time. I don't get it...sometimes I feel like I'm on the "I Love Lucy" show or something!!!!! Just one corny mishap after another!
Your baskets are looking great! Once you are finished, all the trouble you have taken will make you appreciate it that much more.
I would think painting in the spring would be better, so you could pop open the windows for ventilation...JMO! (With my allergies and weird sensitivities to smells, I would need that extra ventilation from open windows.)
I hate days like that-have them often-and always feel like an old cranky pants! Leaving the house helps but it is cold where you are! With that said, the quilt looks great! Very pretty and feminine.
The baskets are looking wonderful. I would like to re-paint our house too but I can't face the mess and all the decisions. Good luck with yours.
Oh my - I don't envy you having to rush to pick paint colors, Kay! I am in the throws of that with the Squash House, albeit I don't have to rush. I seem to be going through an awful lot of those little sample cans before finding the right color - two rooms down and eight to go! Sorry about your little mishaps - I always tell myself they serve to make me a better quilter! Love how the quilt is looking!
You had to make me laugh, oh you did! Does it count - support I mean - when you're laughing? I don't know about that!!! It feels not very nice but gosh you can weave thread to tell a tale my friend. Now that I think about it, maybe it is okay to laugh if only because I'm relating, shaking my head and thinking "oh dear, mercury really is in retrograde."
All that said, this Basket Quilt is asking for everything but BLOOD! ...and it's a good example of that certain type of Discipline that I definitely don't have.
Stay Warm, we're freezin' down here!
(ps: The Lord of Misrule is a term that I've not heard and it really cracked me up!!!)
Lovely, lovely, lovely!!
Some days just don't make sense. I've spent hours fudging and ripping a simple block myself recently. Have to keep the seam ripper happy, I guess! Loving your baskets.
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